Category: News
Kai & Kōrero 16th April 2025: Inclusive evaluation: working with disabled peoples
We are excited to have a date locked in for this event after it was postponed in 2024. Join us for this presentation by Juvena Jalal.
Kai & Kōrero 12th March 2025: Social investment and the role of evaluation
Social Investment and the Role of Evaluation
Presented by Dr Zachary Penman
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Meeting ID: 819 2695 2978
Passcode: 881501
A webinar in which Zach will discuss the latest iteration of social investment and the anticipated role of evaluation. He will talk about how social investment is envisaged as an approach to targeting social interventions and improving local and regional commissioning. This is to better serve, and achieve better outcomes for, individuals, families, and whānau living complex lives. He will then talk about how data and evidence will support social investment, focusing on the types of evaluative evidence that we will need.
Zachary Penman is a Principal Economist at the Social Investment Agency who specialises in quantitative social science methodologies and evaluation. He has interests in measurement and causality and a takes a methodologically and evidentially pluralist approach to evaluation. He is particularly interested in culture-specific and inter-epistemic challenges in these areas. For example, Zach collaborated with Tūtū Kākā Consultants (Finley Ngarangi Johnson) to develop Te Pikitia a te Whānau, a kaupapa Māori psychometric tool to measure whānau wellbeing, for E Tū Whānau.
Zach has been involved with ANZEA since becoming a public servant in 2020 and previously presented on the topic of social investment at the 2024 ANZEA conference.
Read more about 'Kai & Kōrero 12th March 2025: Social investment and the role of evaluation'...
ANZEA Special Interest Group: New and Emerging Evaluators
Connect online with new and emerging evaluators!
Read more about 'ANZEA Special Interest Group: New and Emerging Evaluators'...
Kai & Kōrero 11th Feb 2025: Lessons learned from developing a monitoring and learning framework.New Blog Post
Join us for the first kai & kōrero session of 2025
8th &15th May 2025: Designing surveys that people will trust - an Online Workshop with Adrian Field
Surveys are often a key element of evaluation practice, but are increasingly challenged by the multitudes of surveys simultaneously in the field, each fighting for the attention of their respondents.
Register for our professional development workshop where you will interactively learn about the promise and perils of survey design, have opportunities to design and test survey questions, and explore options for implementing surveys.